Texas Hold 'Em Charity Poker Tournament
City+Ventures is excited to host our first-ever Texas Hold ‘Em Charity Poker Tournament on Friday June 3rd 2022. We would love if you or your company could come, and/or if you could forward to friends, family, or co-workers whom you think might be interested in attending and/or donating cash or prizes. All poker players of any ability/skill are welcome to join, independent of poker skills, anyone and everyone is invited to join this event as a player of a social supporter! It all goes to a great cause: much needed summer program funding!
C+V charity Texas Hold Em is sure to be a night to remember! The evening will be camp themed as the proceeds of this event will be donated to four amazing local charities that provide camps and programming during the summer for kids in our Omaha metro area. The night will consist of camp-themed food and specialty drinks, surprise and delight from our charity partners Heart Heroes, InCOMMON, NorthStar and the Boys & Girls Club and cash and other prizes awarded to the top poker finishers.
Please contact Christian Carrillo at ccarrillo@city-ventures.com if you have any questions.
More information can be found on the website below:
Website: https://city-ventures.com/poker/
Thank you and I hope to see you there!

Additional Info
Media Contact : Christian Carrillo, ccarrillo@city-ventures.com
Related Links : https://city-ventures.com/poker/
Source : City+Ventures