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TEDxOMAHA SALON: Past Imperfect – Future Perfect: Living beyond your past (July)

TEDxOMAHA SALON: Past Imperfect – Future Perfect: Living beyond your past

Does the past define you, do you define your future? We are the complex combination of our experiences, interactions, personality, community, learning and mindset. Our past can hold us in thrall, it can enthrall us, or it can set us free to explore life anew. To rise from the flames like a phoenix. This month Anthony (Tony) Gould will invite you to explore past imperfect, future perfect, and how to refocus to living beyond your past, and embracing the future.

TEDxOmaha Salon Thursday July 25th starting at 6.00 p.m. at Kankeo, located at 1111 Jones Street, Omaha, NE 68102 - please enter via the library entrance door, which is on 12th St Street

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