Post Hire | Criminal Monitoring Solution | Protect Your Brand and Reputation
Continuous Arrest Monitoring Program in Your Workplace
3rd Degree Screening is now offering arrest monitoring for you work force. Real-time incarceration alerts are an early indicator of risky employee behavior that may pose a threat to a business. Incarceration alerts equip employers with the knowledge needed to proactively mitigate business risks that stem from an employee’s criminal activity. In the absence of a true continuous monitoring program, threats are often missed by current industry-standard procedures, such as pre-hire screenings and periodic re-screenings throughout an employee’s tenure.
A continuous monitoring program is an important facet in an employer’s overall risk management platform, critical to the health of the company and its most important assets—its employees and customers. To be successful, the program must be thorough and compliant with federal, state, and local employment laws and regulations. 3rd Degree Screening offers this program to its clients.
We are now offering 6 months of free monitoring if running employees through 3rd Degree Screening for pre-employment background checks.

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Media Contact : Jimmy Waters