Midland Scientific's Covid-19 Response
Midland Scientific, Inc. is a local laboratory and medical supply company, located in La Vista, NE. MSI has worked diligently to remain open and maintain supply channels for materials critical to the COVID-19 response and ongoing control efforts. These include, but are not limited to: masks (KN95 and surgical), face shields, nitrile gloves, disinfecting wipes, liquid hand sanitizer, non-contact thermometers, etc. Availability is extremely fluid as the situation in local communities continues to evolve and supply chains across the country work diligently to catch up. Please contact your local sales representative to discuss your needs, we are ready and willing to help.
Nebraska Sales Rep: John Olley 402-990-5919 jolley@midlandsci.com
Additional Info
Media Contact : Paula York pyork@midlandsci.com
Source : www.midlandsci.com