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June TEDxOMAHA Salon The Real World Influence of Star Trek

Join us on Thursday June 27th as take a trip into space. Elsbeth Magilton, University of Nebraska College of Law, will share her 2023 Omaha TedX talk, “The real-world influence of Star Trek” and lead participants through one of the exercises she discusses. Magilton takes participants through the strange twists and turns of how she started using science fiction stories and simulations to discuss and unpack really hard topics. Sci-Fi isn’t fantasy, it’s futurism. It is removed enough from our experiences and bias to let us look at challenges objectively. When we move into that space, we can explore with less constraints, and may even surprise ourselves with our different perspectives.

TEDxOmaha Salon Thursday June 27th starting at 6.00 p.m. at Kankeo, is located at 1111 Jones Street, Omaha, NE 68102 - please enter via the library entrance door, which is on 12th St Street Tickets via

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