Have You Tried Aquatic Therapy, yet?
Premier Physical Therapy on SaddleCreek is pleased to be the home of a 99 Degree 5-foot deep Therapy Pool with adjustable swim current and underwater treadmill feature. It’s great for those who need exercise and cannot do it on land. If patients need assistance to access the pool, an ADA-standard hydraulic lift chair is available. Schedule a consultation to see if aquatic therapy is right for you.
Aquatic therapy is the best way to ensure a gentle rejuvenation of muscles. Our state-of-the-art therapy pool continues to be one of our most highly effective tools for treating a wide range of physical ailments.
Here are just a few instances where one-on-one aquatic therapy may be your ideal solution:
● Arthritis
● Fibromyalgia
● Chronic Pain
● Neuromuscular Conditions
● Weight Loss
● Orthopedic Recovery
● Athletic Injury Rehabilitation
What Makes Aquatic Therapy So Effective?
There are two primary reasons that aquatic therapy is ideal for so many of our patients:
1. Low Impact Training – Exercising inside of our pool allows you to improve your strength, flexibility and conditioning in a very safe and controlled environment. Aquatic therapy allows you to train your body without risk of injury because the buoyancy offered in a pool prevents stress on your joints, back and tendons.
2. Muscle Warmth – We keep our state-of-the-art pool at a well-heated 99 degrees, right at normal body temperature. This ensures that your soft tissue stays warm and malleable throughout your therapy session, which both increases results and minimizes risk of injury. This controlled warmth is key in reducing pain, and it allows your body to function in ways that would be impossible on dry land.
Is Aquatic Therapy Right For You?
As one of the few clinics in Omaha with a well heated aquatic therapy pool, we know that many patients will come to us out of necessity (or because doctors recommend us). But, patients stay with us because of our personalized approach to physical therapy. Our clinic is here to meet your needs, and if aquatic therapy is what you need, we know you’ll enjoy your time here with us.
Contact us anytime and we’ll set you up for an appointment with one of our specialized aquatic physical therapists. Here at Premier Physical Therapy, we believe that one-on-one physical therapy with a licensed therapist every time is the key to successful rehabilitation and improvement. So, give us a call! You can find contact information at the bottom of this page.
(402) 933-0100
1313 S Saddlecreek Rd.