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Sherman Executive Consulting - Expert HR & Operations Solutions


Business & Professional Services Human Resources Consultants Nonprofit - Community Nonprofit - Health & Well Being Nonprofit - Family Business & Professional Services Nonprofit - Children


Sherman Executive Consulting works with nonprofit and small businesses who may not have a Human Resources department.  A small business or nonprofit leader wears multiple hats, including HR. When a Human Resources matter becomes a priority, it can quickly sidetrack a leader's time.  Last year I started to do part-time consulting work with nonprofits after I noticed organizational leaders were having a hard time balancing serving their clients and maintaining a steadfast organizational structure.  Working with an HR Consultant like myself, was a huge help for  them.   

My expertise includes a graduate-level education and 25 years of Human Resources Leadership & Operations experience.  The expert-level HR & Operations solutions include any process or policy from the time an employee is hired into an organization, to the time they separate from an organization (The Employee Lifecycle).  

Sherman Executive Consulting works with nonprofits and small businesses to provide the HR & Operations resources they need to achieve their long-term objectives.  Contact us today at 402.305.2236 or for more information visit our website at

References are available upon request.  

Additional Info

Ownership : Hispanic


Dulce Sherman
Chief HR & DEI Officer

Business & Professional ServicesBusiness & Professional ServicesBusiness Support ServicesConsultantsHuman ResourcesInsurance & BenefitsNonprofit - ChildrenNonprofit - CommunityNonprofit - FamilyNonprofit - Health & Well Being
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